As per facebook’s statement, Facebook ad campaigns are designed to maximize the results based on the campaign objective. Our duty is to tell the right campaign objective and who we want to reach. Facebook effectively spends our budget to reach the campaign goal. So, you must aware of the campaign objectives available on Facebook.
The Facebook ad platform is one of the most powerful ad platforms currently available in the ad industry. The campaign creator should choose a suitable campaign objective and optimization event to tell the campaign goal to the ad platform. The ad platform then learns and performs towards the declared campaign objective. There are multiple campaign objective options are available in facebook ads manager to make the process easier. This article helps you to understand more about the facebook ad campaign objectives and choose the right one for your advertising campaign.
What is the campaign objective on Facebook?
What are the campaign objectives available on Facebook?
How to choose the right campaign objective for your Facebook ad campaign?
What is the campaign objective on Facebook?
The campaign objective is the final result that you want to achieve by running your ads. If you want to run your ad campaign to sell your product then “Sales” is the suitable campaign objective for your Facebook ad campaign. When you setup your ad campaign with a “Sales” objective, the ad platform reaches the people most likely to make a purchase within your targeted audience.
Choosing the right objective is very important when setting up an ad campaign on Facebook. If you choose the wrong objective then you can’t achieve your results in the end.
What are the campaign objectives available on Facebook?
Now [Oct,2022] Facebook has 6 main campaign objectives. Below is the table provided by Facebook support to understand each campaign’s objective.
Ad objective | Your business goal is to: | Previous ad objective |
Awareness | Create awareness of your business. This objective will help you reach the largest number of people who are most likely to remember your ad.For example, if your business is brand new or has been recently renamed, awareness may help potential customers become more familiar with your business. | Brand awarenessReachVideo viewsStore traffic |
Traffic | Increase traffic to an online destination of your choice. Send people to a destination, like your Facebook or Instagram shop, website or app.For example, if you’re having a flash sale in your shop or want to send potential customers to a web page that describes your services, this may help drive traffic to those destinations. | Traffic |
Engagement | Find people more likely to engage with your business online, send a message or take desired actions on your ad or Page.For example, if you want people who are interested in your products or services to start a conversation via Messenger, this objective can reach potential customers more likely to do so. | EngagementVideo viewsMessagesConversions |
Leads | Collect leads for your business or brand via messages, phone calls or signups.For example, if you want potential customers to sign up for a monthly newsletter, this objective can help you reach people willing to share their information with you to learn more about your business. | Lead generationMessagesConversions |
App promotion | Get people on mobile devices to install or take a specific action within your app.For example, if you want potential customers to make a purchase through your app or try a new app feature, you can create an app promotion campaign. | App installs |
Sales | Find people likely to purchase your goods or services.For example, if you want to reach people most likely to make a purchase, such as through an ecommerce site, you can use the sales objective. You can also optimize for other actions, such as adding an item to their cart. | ConversionsCatalog sales |
How to choose the right campaign objective for your Facebook ad campaign?
As I said earlier, choosing the right campaign objective is very important for achieving the expected results from the ad campaign. The above table clearly explains the available campaign objective and its goals. Recently, Facebook combine most of its objectives and group them into six objectives. In this situation, you should select the right “optimization for ad delivery” to optimize your campaign properly.

Example: If you choose traffic objective at the campaign level the below four options are available in the “optimization for ad delivery”. By default, the optimization for ad delivery is updated as “Link Clicks”. But, if you or your client want to run the ad campaign to increase website visitors means you should choose “Landing page views”. So, choosing the right optimization for ad delivery is very important for optimizing the ad campaign. Link Clicks and Landing Page Views are having huge differences. We will talk about this difference later.
Link Clicks – Deliver ads to the people most likely to click the ads.
Landing page views – Deliver ads to the people most likely to click the ad link and visit the website
Impressions – Deliver ads to people as many times as possible.
Daily Unique Reach – Deliver ads to people up to once a day.
Facebook has the highest active monthly users. So, it’s very easy to achieve the goal compared with other social media platforms. Facebook’s ad platform is so powerful and it automatically learns & optimizes towards the goal declared by the campaign trafficker. All you need to do is understand and choose the right campaign objective and optimize for ad delivery. You can select all other common settings like the audience, age group, gender, placements and etc. The platform tries to achieve the goal with the available audiences. If it feels that it can’t achieve the goal then it display’s its suggestions such as increasing the audience, reducing the restrictions, increasing the budget, etc.
6 Benefits Of Facebook For Your Business | Marketing Strategy