When you attend an interview for the post of “programmatic advertising” domain, you must hear this question “What are the elements of programmatic advertising?”. Without any confusion, you should tell at least 5 important elements. Further more, you need to tell the short explanation.
Here, I will help you to answer this question.
Top 5 Important Elements Of Programmatic Advertising

In this article we are going to discuss about the important elements of programmatic advertising. Firstly, below are the 5 important elements of programmatic advertising. However, I give explanation for each element.
- DSP [Demand Side Platform]
- SSP [Supply Side Platform]
- Ad Exchanges/Inventory Sources
- RTB [Real Time Bidding]
- Data Providers
DSP [Demand Side Platform]
Demand Side Platforms are the software platforms that advertisers used to buy the ad inventories in a real time auction. In the Demand Side Platforms, advertisers are able to set their campaigns with targetings. Targetings are the rules to buy an ad inventory. [Subsequently you can Read More : Demand Side Platforms]
SSP [Supply Side Platform]
Supply Side Platforms are the software platforms that publishers used to sell their ad inventories in an automated way. Publishers can connect with multiple demand side platforms, helping them to maximize their ad revenue. [Subsequently you can Read More : Supply Side Platforms]
Ad Exchanges/Inventory Sources
Both advertisers and publishers connected here to buy and sell the ad inventories in a real time. In ad exchanges only the Real Time Bidding happens. [Subsequently you can read more about : Ad Network VS Ad Exchange]
RTB [Real Time Bidding]
RTB is a process to buy the ad space in a real time auction. For example, advertisers from multiple DSPs bid on a single ad space when their targets are met and the real time auction happens in the ad exchanges. As a result, who bid higher will win the auction and their ad will display on a particular ad space. [Subsequently you can Read More : Real Time Bidding]
Data Providers
Data Providers collect, organize data about the online behaviors of users from various sources. Demand Side Platforms partnered with multiple data providers to give the facility to use third party data. Advertisers can use the required data from any data providers by paying a small price.
In conclusion, DSP, SSP, Ad Exchange, RTB, Data providers are the first 5 important elements of programmatic advertising. In addition to the above 5 important elements few other elements like ad server, ad, DMP, reporting are also there.
There are many interview questions for programmatic advertising available here.
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