The ads that can appear on any TV that is connected to the internet are called Connected TV Advertising. Through the big screen, brands can show their advertisement by customer interest. Smart TV and OTT usage increases every year. So, brands can have huge amount of ad inventories on CTV advertising.
The internet gave the possibility of digital advertising. In the earlier days, people consume the web content using computers. Then they access the web content from their smart phones. Every time, people changes their device the digital advertising industry creates new technologies to target the people. Now, the technology shift happens again, people leave their linear tv and start using smart tv. High speed internet give them the opportunity to see movies, series, normal tv channels from their smart tv. All of their content is transferred through internet. Also, they need to share their personal information to use the OTT platforms in their smart tv. So, it can be possible to know who is watching this tv, what kind of channels they are watching , what kind of searches the same user made on his other smart devices etc. So, brands can deliver their multimedia advertisement to the TV in more targetable way.
In India, Smart TV market will grow 30.2% by 2024. In America, it will be very fast. More than 13 million people swapped their linear tv as smart tv in 2018. By 2022, 204 millions of people are going to access video contents via their connected tv.
What is Connected TV?
Other than computer and smartphones , any device that can support the internet and have the ability to display multimedia content is called Connected TV. Below are few examples,
Smart TV
Video Game Consoles like Play station etc
In a linear tv people can only watch the programs that are hosted by the tv channels. But internet enabled smart tv giving options to access various programs through OTT platforms like Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime video etc. Users can be very interactive with smart TV’s.
What is Connected TV Advertising? How Is Differ From Traditional TV Advertising?
Lets consider, Start Sports TV hosting a cricket match and during that match they host boost ad. Those who are all watching cricket match at that time using linear tv see the same boost advertisement without considering their location, language or anything. But if you are watching the same match on our Smart TV using a Hotstar App or any plugins then can show different advertisement based on user behavior. It can be targetable and more customizable.

The ads that can be appear on any TV that is connected to the internet is called Connected TV Advertising. In a same programmatic way ads are displaying in Connected Tv Advertising. So technology is same but medium is different.
Advantages of Connected TV advertising?
Targeting : I believe targeting is the main reason behind the growth of digital advertising. In linear tv, advertisers can’t target any particular segment of audiences. Instead they want to buy entire impressions of a particular program by the TRP rate, it’s useless. In Connected TV advertising, they can spend amount only for the delivered impressions. Like, programmatic advertising brands can target any particular region or interest of the watcher and more.
Budget : In CTV advertising, the advertisers want to pay only for the delivered impressions. Mostly group of family members watching a program in smart tv so one impression will equal to more views. So, CTV advertising is cost effective.
Pay only for Delivered Impressions : In linear tv, there is no option to calculate how many of them your advertisement. It’s all about approximate and per the TRP rate. But in Connected TV advertising advertisers can monitor how many impressions are delivered. So advertisers wanted to pay only for the delivered impressions. High Completion Rate, Specific Audience Targeting, Real Time Metrics and Other digital advertising features also apply to connected tv advertising.
CTV or Connected TV Advertising approach is increasing everywhere. Due to the internet spread, the connected tv inventory is increasing all over the world. So, advertisers can use the facility of internet and can show ads more personally to the audiences.