Two months back, I received an email with the subject “Google AdSense: One of your payments accounts was cancelled” on one of my websites associated with the Google Adsense Program. I was very disappointed by this unfortunate Google Adsense suspension. Because I never bought any traffic from outsiders and I do not click my ads. My entire hard work and the time I spent to build this website is wasted by this suspension.
Not only me, Google disabled many blogger’s websites for the same reason. Suppose you felt like Google incorrectly disabled your AdSense account, you can submit an invalid activity appeal form to re-activate your AdSense account. I have filled out this form and successfully got my Adsense account back.
You should complete this form with the proper information to get back your account. Otherwise, Google will reject your appeal form and you can’t get your account back.
Do you want to know how I filled out my invalid activity appeal form? Don’t worry I have shared the entire information which will help to fill out this form.
Note: I haven’t purchased any traffic from outsiders or I never clicked my ads or I never asked my friends to click ads. So, Google accepted my appeal form and gave my account back. Based on your activity, your chance of getting your account back will change.
Prevent Adsense Account Suspension: Stop Invalid Clicks
How you will receive Google Adsense Disabled information?
Once Google decided to disable your AdSense account, it disabled your account and sent an alert message to the associated Gmail account. So, you will an email like below,

When you try to access your Google Adsense account, you can see the alert message below and you can not see all the options in your Adsense account.

How to apply Invalid Activity Appeal Form?
When you go to your Adsense account, you can see the disabled message “Your account has been closed by Google”. Next to this message, you can see the “Learn More” button. By clicking this button, you can know more about the rejection. Here, you can see the invalid activity appeal form link.

You have to be very careful when filling out this form. Based on your answer and your site activity only, Google remove the suspension of your Adsense account.
Here, I have shared my answers with you. So, this will be helpful when you submit your appeal form.
Please enter your name: Enter the name given in your Google Account

Please enter your publisher code. * : Enter your publisher code. You can get the publisher id from the Adsense link. The publisher ID will start from pub-xxxxxx

Contact Email Address: Give your email address.

Example URLs or app ID where you’ve placed your ads * : Here provide some page or post links where you put your ad codes.

Have you ever purchased traffic to your site(s), mobile app(s), and/or YouTube channel(s)? * : Here you should choose the No option.

How do users get to your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel? How do you promote your content? * : Please provide the answer as below,
The visitor navigates to my website through search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube. Additionally, I increase the reach of my blogger posts by actively sharing them on social media platforms such as Facebook, X, and Pinterest. Also, I increase the reach by sharing the posts on WhatsApp Groups.

Have you or your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel ever violated the Adsense or Ad Manager program policies or Terms & Conditions? If so, how? * : My website never violated the Adsense or ad manager program policies and terms and conditions. If anything happens without my intention and knowledge, I apologize for this.

What was the reason for invalid activity on your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel? Please provide detailed information about all specific reasons that you believe to be relevant in your case. * : Here, you need to provide all your assumption reasons for invalid activity. The following answer is for example,

I am writing to you for the first time concerning the disabling of my AdSense account due to invalid activity. I have been utilizing AdSense on my Blogger website for the past one year, following strictly to Google AdSense policies and terms. I assure you that I have not solicited or encouraged any improper clicks from friends or family on my blog.
I pledge to continue adhering to the Google AdSense policy in all my activities. I kindly request your understanding of the time and effort I have invested in AdSense, and I humbly ask for the reactivation of my account.
What changes will you implement to help improve ad traffic quality on your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel? * : Please answer like below,

I will closely monitor the sources of traffic to my platforms to identify any irregular patterns or sources of invalid activity. This includes regularly reviewing analytics data to detect any anomalies and taking appropriate action to address them. I will optimize ad placement on my site, mobile app, and YouTube channel to ensure a seamless and non-intrusive user experience while maximizing ad visibility and click-through rates. I will strictly adhere to AdSense guidelines and policies, including but not limited to avoiding incentivized clicks, click fraud, and artificial traffic generation.
Please include any data from your site, mobile app, and/or YouTube channel traffic logs or reports that indicate suspicious IP addresses, referrers, or requests which could explain invalid activity. * For this question please answer like below,
My account was disabled for the first time due to invalid click activity. So, I could not record any suspicious IP address, reports or any logs. I apologize for this but I do not have any reports.

Tick the check box and submit the appeal form.
You will get the confirmation mail from google like below,

Next, you will get the final notification from Google. If google accepts your appeal form, you will get the re-instate message. Otherwise, you will get a rejection email from Google.
Additional Information For The Bloggers
How Can I Save My Adsense Account From Invalid Clicks?
if someone or some groups continuously click your ads on your site intentionally how can I save my website is the biggest question. I have also had this question. There is a simple solution for this question. You can install the below AdSense Invalid Click Protector (AICP) plugin to stop the invalid clicks and save your AdSense account.

What kind of clicks are considered Invalid Clicks?
Many website owners trying to fool Google to make more money from AdSense. But, they don’t know Google can access millions of millions of data from various places and they can easily find invalid clicks. For example, if you use a free proxy address of another country and click on your website, like you many website owners do the same to make more money. So, clicks are recorded from a same IP address. Like this scenario, Google easily tracks the invalid clicks.
My Invalid Clicks Appeal Form Gets Rejected, What can i do now?
If Google rejects your appeal form, you can not use your website to make money from AdSense. Also, one person can only create one AdSense account. So, mostly you can not use AdSense to make money from it. But, you can join other ad networks to make money from your websites.
What are the common actions lead Adsense rejection?
The following actions lead to Adsense rejection,
Buying traffic from third party sources. Like you, many of them buy the traffic from the same third party sources. So, google easily detect it.
Do click your own ads. Sometimes you accidentally click your own ads and it is an acceptable one. But, do not do it repeatedly. Otherwise, google detects you and suspends your AdSense account.
Do not ask your family members or friends to click ads on your website.
Do not place your ads with higher click intent.
Google continuously monitors each website’s performance and suspends AdSense accounts if it detects anything suspicious. But, sometimes your account gets suspended without doing any unlawful activities. In that situation, you can submit an Invalid Activity Appeal Form to appeal the suspension. If your appeal is valid, google removes the suspension. Otherwise, you will be suspended permanently.
Follow my above instructions to submit the appeal form and you will have a higher chance of getting re-approval.