What Causes a High CTR Campaign to Receive a Low Conversion Rate?
Many factors related to the conversion rate discussed here.
Made For Advertising Sites : IAS New AI-Driven Tech Would Be The Solution
As per the Association Of National Advertisers, around 21% of ad spend accounts for MFA sites.
What is “Yahoo Backstage” Program? How Does It Affect SSP and Advertisers?
Under Yahoo Backstage Program, Yahoo DSP advertisers can access these premium inventories without external competition.
Increase Adsense Revenue By Enabling Attached Ad Networks
Increase your Adsense Revenue By Optimizing Ad Networks
Which of the following describes the viewability standard used by Amazon DSP?
Amazon DSP is one of the leading demand side platforms that follow the industry standard viewability measurements provided by MRC. MRCs standard for Display and Video ads widely accepted by…
What is FLoC? How Does FLoC work?
FLoC is a Privacy Sandbox initiative that focuses on interest based advertising on third party cookieless world while protecting user’s privacy.
Cookieless World: What Are The Alternatives Available For Digital Advertising?
As we are near to the cookieless world, digital advertising experts are looking for alternatives to reach their potential customers as they did in the cookie world.
What are the 5 elements of programmatic advertising?
When you attend an interview for the post of “programmatic advertising” domain, you must hear this question “What are the elements of programmatic advertising?”. Without any confusion, you should tell…
Meta Introduces Promotional Ads To Increase Sales, How Does It Work?
Meta is currently testing a new promotional ad which helps the brands to increase the sales. Currently, this new ad format is rolling out to certain countries like United States,…
“Google Digital Coaches” Why India Should Launch Program Like This?
Small Businesses or entrepreneurs support the nation in many ways. So, their growth is very much important. In this digital world, small business owners need to have the skill to…