Sridaran Baskaran

129 Articles

9 Best Practices for Outstream Video Advertising

Outstream Video Advertising means the video ads are showing without video content

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

What Causes a High CTR Campaign to Receive a Low Conversion Rate?

The conversion rate refers to the percentage of users click on an

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

Made For Advertising Sites : IAS New AI-Driven Tech Would Be The Solution

MFA stands for Made For Advertising Sites. MFA sites are created only

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

What is “Yahoo Backstage” Program? How Does It Affect SSP and Advertisers?

Under this program, Yahoo integrates large-scale premium publishers with its Yahoo DSP

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

Increase Adsense Revenue By Enabling Attached Ad Networks

Add the High CPC Ad Networks provided here increase the Adsense Revenue

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

Which of the following describes the viewability standard used by Amazon DSP?

Amazon DSP is one of the leading demand side platforms that follow

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

What is FLoC? How Does FLoC work?

FLoC is a Privacy Sandbox initiative that focuses on interest based advertising

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

What are the 5 elements of programmatic advertising?

When you attend an interview for the post of “programmatic advertising” domain,

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran

Meta Introduces Promotional Ads To Increase Sales, How Does It Work?

Meta is currently testing a new promotional ad which helps the brands

Sridaran Baskaran Sridaran Baskaran