Retargeting is the key strategy for performance-based digital advertising campaigns. After cookie deprecation and strong regulation policies, retargeting website visitors across the web environment becomes more challenging. In that situation, many advertisers are interested in retargeting site visitors on Connected TV. They believe that this retargeting strategy will help to improve their performance.
Retargeting site visitors across all devices will help to improve the performance. In recent years, ad consumption through Connected TV improved due to the smart TV population and rising broadband services. This article will discuss Connected TV retargeting and how it is important for campaign success.
Connected TV: Funnel down from Awareness To Performance
Many marketers spend their money on Connected TV advertising only for brand awareness purposes. Even though they are spending their money on awareness campaigns, their ultimate end goal is to bring performance. So, performance-minded advertisers started to expect conversions from the Connected TV channel. So, Connected TV is no longer used just for reach and awareness.
Marketers thinking about Connected TV channel is correct. They calculate the effectiveness of their digital advertising campaigns by the conversion rate or gain from the digital advertising campaigns.

Usually, marketers design their advertising campaigns into three basic stages. The first one is Awareness, to bring an interested audience’s attention marketers run awareness campaigns. The second stage is traffic, to bring an interested audience into the website, the marketers run traffic objective or CTR-based campaigns. In the final stage, the marketers run the retargeting campaigns to retarget the website visitors to increase sales or conversion. So, marketers can calculate the effectiveness of this campaign by calculating the sales or conversion.
Mostly connected TV is not used to retarget website visitors. Because It’s not quite easy now. [We will discuss the challenges to retarget site visitors on CTV in upcoming articles].
As I mentioned before, performance-minded advertisers looking for ways to funnel down the CTV channel from Awareness to Performance. The next question is, how will they identify and understand the performances coming from CTV?
Possible ways to identify the conversions from Connected TV
A simple technology, “QR Code” should be the best solution for identifying the conversions from Connected TV. Doing conversions like purchasing or booking an appointment on Connected TV is not flexible for the users. By placing the QR code on the advertisement, interested people can scan this code on their mobile and continue the remaining process through their mobiles. Using parameters like UTM, marketers can identify the conversions that came from the Connected TV.
Also, marketers can ask the users about the source of advertising medium when they complete the booking form or other conversions.
Retarget Site Visitors on Connected TV: Why is it important?
In linear TV advertising, the advertisers need to spend huge money to get the ad slot for premium time shows. Even though they are spending huge money, the ads are mostly watched by people who aren’t interested in their products or services.
Year by year the use of smart TV is increasing rapidly. This allows delivering the ads more personally and effectively. So, advertisers can deliver their ads only to the interested people. Currently, the ads are delivered to the people by their interest, demo, etc.
The performance-based advertisers now seeking a way to deliver the ads to the users who visit their website. The programmatic advertising platform should be capable of collecting and matching the data from the website users and the Connected TV audiences to successfully retarget them.
Lots of possibility for signal loss between two different environments. As of my knowledge, there are no cookies in the CTV environment. Using email addresses, IP addresses, and household data it can be possible to identify and retarget the users across cross devices.
For every performance-based advertising campaign, it is very important to follow and retarget users across all devices including connected TVs. Most advertising platforms are preparing to face the cookieless environment. So, they are hardly working to find the solutions for cookieless advertising. Their first alternative is to collect the first party data more effectively to identify and target the users.
First party data mostly contains email addresses, IP addresses, etc. So, they can easily match that data with the Connected TV advertising partner’s data to identify the users. If it is possible, then performance-based advertisers can retarget their website visitors on Connected TV.